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Sandpiper is a playable bird in Feather Family. It was released on February 23rd, 2024.



The chick is a sandy yellow bird with brown splotches from its cap to its body, with its tail using this same brown for the whole thing. It has a long gray beak, brown eyes and a yellow stripe under its eye from its beak to its chin.


The adult is primarily covered in a dull brown across its cap, nape and coverts. Its face is white with a long gray beak, brown eyes and a brown stripe under its eye from its beak to its chin. Its belly is white with brown speckles. Its body and wings curved dark brown markings across them. Its primaries, secondaries and tail are a darker brown than the body while its tail base is black. It has long brown legs with three toes in front and one toe in the back each.



  • Eyes - Colors irises.
  • Beak - Colors beak.
  • Head - Colors face.
  • Chest - Colors underside.
  • Body - Colors body.
  • Wings - Colors wings.
  • Legs - Colors legs.
  • Tail - Colors tail and head stripes.


  • Eyes - Colors irises.
  • Beak - Colors beak.
  • Head - Colors cap, nape and face stripe.
  • Neck - Colors neck and area between face stripe and cap.
  • Chest - Colors underside.
  • Body - Colors back.
  • Coverts - Colors wing limb feathers.
  • Primary Feathers - Colors majority of wing feathers.
  • Secondary Feathers - Colors some wing feathers.
  • Legs - Colors legs and leg webbing.
  • Tail 1 - Colors base of tail
  • Tail 2 - Colors tail feathers.
  • Talons - Colors talons.
  • Extra - Colors nothing.



  • Run - Increases walking speed. Speeds up walk cycle.
  • Call - Chick makes a high-pitched chirp.
  • Sit - Sits down.
  • Eat - Rapidly pecks at ground while marginally moving head left and right and after each bite.
  • Hurt - Falls forward with one leg stretched out the rear.
  • Eyes - Closes or open eyes.


  • Run - Increases walking speed. Speeds up walk cycle.
  • Call - Makes a rapid series of five tweets.
  • Sit - Sits down.
  • Eat - Rapidly pecks at ground while marginally moving head left and right and after each bite.
  • Hurt - Falls forward with head facing right and left wing tucked in.
  • Display - Stands higher with wings vibrating to the sides and head bobbing.
  • Preen - Cleans left wing with beak.
  • Eyes - Closes or opens eyes.
  • Fly - Sandpiper takes flight.



  • Sandpiper is the first bird to release with a skin. The closest to this that has happened was Dromaeosaur receiving its Deinonychus skin the update after its release.


  • Western Sandpiper is one of the rare cases where Extra doesn't color anything, with Moa being the other.


Sandpiper is a playable bird in Feather Family. It was released on February 23rd, 2024. This skin was added alongside the base form of the bird.



The chick is a dull light brown bird with brown splotches on its body and brown for its tail, cap, nape and stripe from the front of its eye to its beak. Its eyes are dark blue and its beak is an extremely long straight gray beak. It has a lighter brown underbelly than its body. Its legs are pink with three toes in front and one in the back per foot.


The adult is covered in a variety of muted colors. Its face and throat are a medium dull brown with brown eyes and a very long pink beak. It has a stripe emerging from each eye which is white with brown stripes. The same color scheme is used for the back of its cap. Its nape is a grayish brown and its underside is a dull orange. Its body and coverts are medium brown with black markings. Its wing feathers are gray with white markings. Its tail feathers are small with black upper feathers and white lower feathers.



  • Eyes - Colors irises.
  • Beak - Colors beak.
  • Head - Colors face.
  • Chest - Colors underside.
  • Body - Colors body.
  • Wings - Colors wings.
  • Legs - Colors legs.
  • Tail - Colors tail, cap, and head stripes.


  • Eyes - Colors irises.
  • Beak - Colors beak.
  • Head - Colors face and throat.
  • Neck - Colors nape.
  • Chest - Colors underside.
  • Body - Colors back.
  • Coverts - Colors wing limb feathers.
  • Primary Feathers - Colors majority of wing feathers.
  • Secondary Feathers - Colors some wing feathers.
  • Legs - Colors legs.
  • Tail 1 - Colors upper tail feathers
  • Tail 2 - Colors lower tail feathers.
  • Talons - Colors talons.
  • Extra - Colors eye stripe and back cap.



  • Run - Increases walking speed. Speeds up walk cycle.
  • Call - Chick makes a short tweet noise.
  • Sit - Sits down.
  • Eat - Rapidly pecks at ground while marginally moving head left and right and after each bite.
  • Hurt - Falls forward with both legs sticking out from behind.
  • Eyes - Closes or open eyes.


  • Run - Increases walking speed. Speeds up walk cycle.
  • Call - Makes a short high pitched croak sound.
  • Sit - Sits down.
  • Eat - Repeats cycle of biting down twice before swallowing.
  • Hurt - Falls on back with legs dangling up.
  • Display - Slightly leans forward and bobs its body up and down, heavily raising neck every second bob.
  • Preen - Cleans tail with beak.
  • Eyes - Closes or opens eyes.
  • Fly - Sandpiper takes flight.



  • Sandpiper is the first bird to release with a skin. The closest to this that has happened was Dromaeosaur receiving its Deinonychus skin the update after its release.


  • Timberdoodle is the slowest flying bird in the game, referencing how it’s the slowest flying bird in real life. This fact is acknowledged by ShinyGriffin on the group message wall.
  • Timberdoodle’s walk and display reference a bizarre behavior where timberdoodles will sometimes rock back and forth while moving. The leading theories suggest that this is either to make worms move underground so they can sense them or as a display of awareness to a watching predator.


Standard EggSparrowPigeonCardinalRobinStarlingChickenDuckGooseQuailTurkeySwanPheasantPartridge
Unlockable ChickadeeJayGuineafowlSwallowParakeetRavenGullSandpiperHummingbirdPeafowlWoodpeckerMagpieCockatooMacawAukCuckooCraneHoopoePenguinLoonCormorantRheaKiwiHeronKingfisherPelicanToucanGannetFlamingoHornbillBird of ParadiseEmuNightjarOstrichShoebillHoatzinFalconSecretaryStorkSeriemaCassowaryOwlVultureOspreyHawkAlbatrossEaglePetrel'Ō'ōSapeornisGreat AukElephant BirdDodoConfuciusornisArchaeopteryxJeholornisMoaHesperornisGastornisKelenkenPelagornisHarpagornisArgentavisDromaeosaurSkeleton
Game Pass PhoenixCockatricePerytonGriffin