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Feather Family Wiki

Jay is a playable bird in Feather Family. It was added on December 30th, 2022.



The hatchling is a tiny bird with a slightly curved down beak. It has average sized eyes with masks surrounding its eyes connecting to its beak. It has a tiny pointed tuft on the back of its head. It has an average body and somewhat large wings for a hatchling that hang down. Its tail points out from its rear end and is somewhat large for a hatchling. Each foot has three toes in front and one in the back.


The adult is a somewhat small bird with a large head. It has a mostly conical beak and average sized eyes. It has a large crest on its head going up and slightly back. Its face is distinctly colorable from the top and back of its head. It has distinct rings on the front of its face and around its throat, the latter larger. It has average sized wings, a somewhat long body and a somewhat long tail. Each foot has three toes in front and one in the back, each with a talon.



  • Eyes - Colors irises.
  • Beak - Colors beak.
  • Head - Colors majority of head.
  • Chest - Colors underbelly and mask.
  • Body - Colors body.
  • Wings - Colors wings.
  • Legs - Colors legs.
  • Tail - Colors tail.


  • Eyes - Colors irises.
  • Beak - Colors beak.
  • Head - Colors top and back of head.
  • Neck - Colors neck and face.
  • Chest - Colors underside.
  • Body - Colors back.
  • Coverts - Colors wing limb feathers.
  • Primary Feathers - Colors outer flight feathers.
  • Secondary Feathers - Colors inner flight feathers.
  • Legs - Colors legs.
  • Tail 1 - Colors main tail.
  • Tail 2 - Colors tail tips.
  • Talons - Colors talons.
  • Extra - Colors face and throat rings.

Realism Presets[]

Name Image Basis
Blue (default) JayAdultBLUE Blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata)
Steller's JayAdultBLUERPRStellers Steller's jay (Cyanocitta stelleri)



  • Run - Increases ground speed, speeds up walk cycle.
  • Call - Lifts head up to make a light yap.
  • Sit - Sits down.
  • Eat - Lowers head and rapidly bites while flapping wings.
  • Hurt - Falls forward with head tucked under its right wing, left wing out, and legs stretched back.
  • Eyes - Toggles eyes being shut.


  • Run - Increases ground speed, speeds up walk cycle.
  • Call - Brings head forward to make a raspy yap.
  • Sit - Sits down.
  • Eat - Lowers head and tilts body down to bite twice then slightly lift head.
  • Hurt - Falls on back with head tilted back, wings stretched down, and legs dangling.
  • Display - Stands high and heavily beats wings with mouth open.
  • Preen - Cleans back with beak while tail is lifted up to the left.
  • Eyes - Toggles eyes being shut.
  • Fly - Jay takes flight, can fly for infinite time.



  • Jay is tied with Chickadee and Guineafowl for being the cheapest unlockable. These three are also the only unlockables whose price isn't a multiple of 25.
    • Jay is the first unlockable to match the price of the bird added just before it, being Chickadee.


  • In the update preceding Jay's addition, Jay was referred to as "blue jay", likely to not cause confusion with old world jays.


  • December 30th, 2022: Added Jay (Blue)
  • February 9th, 2024: Updated head and wings of Jay alongside adding Swallow
  • September 20th, 2024: Added Jay (Eurasian)
  • September 21st, 2024: Removed Eurasian realism preset for Blue Jay


Jay is a playable bird in Feather Family. This skin was added on December 30th, 2022 alongside Tufted Titmouse Chickadee.



The hatchling is a tiny bird with a slightly curved down beak. It has average sized eyes and some light feathers on its head. It has a somewhat long body and average sized wings for a hatchling that hang down. Its tail points out from its rear end and is somewhat large for a hatchling. Each foot has three toes in front and one in the back.


The adult is a somewhat small bird with a straight beak and average sized eyes. Coming from the beak are streaks that extend below and slightly beyond the eye. It has some light feathers on top of its head and distinct coloring above the beak and beak streaks as well as around the eyes. It has average sized wings, a somewhat long body and a somewhat long tail. Each foot has three toes in front and one in the back, each with a talon.



  • Eyes - Colors irises.
  • Beak - Colors beak.
  • Head - Colors head and neck.
  • Chest - Colors underbelly.
  • Body - Colors body.
  • Wings - Colors wings.
  • Legs - Colors legs.
  • Tail - Colors tail.


  • Eyes - Colors irises.
  • Beak - Colors beak.
  • Head - Colors top and back of head.
  • Neck - Colors throat and above beak.
  • Chest - Colors underside.
  • Body - Colors back.
  • Coverts - Colors upper wing limb feathers.
  • Primary Feathers - Colors outer flight feathers.
  • Secondary Feathers - Colors inner flight feathers and face streaks.
  • Legs - Colors legs.
  • Tail 1 - Colors rear.
  • Tail 2 - Colors tail.
  • Talons - Colors talons.
  • Extra - Colors lower wing limb feathers.

Realism Presets[]

Name Image Basis
Eurasian (default) JayAdultEURASIAN Eurasian jay (Garrulus glandarius)
Black Headed JayAdultEURASIANRPRBlackheaded Black-headed jay (Garrulus lanceolatus)
Lidth's JayAdultEURASIANRPRLidths Lidth's jay (Garrulus lidthi)



  • Run - Increases ground speed, speeds up walk cycle.
  • Call - Tilts head slightly down to make a quick light rasp.
  • Sit - Sits down.
  • Eat - Lowers head and scoops down once then lifts head to swallow with two bites.
  • Hurt - Falls forward with head to the left and legs splayed out.
  • Eyes - Toggles eyes being shut.


  • Run - Increases ground speed, speeds up walk cycle.
  • Call - Brings head forward to make a rasp noise.
  • Sit - Sits down.
  • Eat - Lowers head and tilts body down to bite twice then bite twice more with head up.
  • Hurt - Falls forward with wings splayed out, head slightly rotated left, and tail raised very high.
  • Display - Hops while flapping wings, then looks forward and rotates head twice.
  • Preen - Cleans left wing by pecking twice then whipping head back.
  • Eyes - Toggles eyes being shut.
  • Fly - Jay takes flight, can fly for infinite time.



  • Jay is tied with Chickadee and Guineafowl for being the cheapest unlockable. These three are also the only unlockables whose price isn't a multiple of 25.
    • Jay is the first unlockable to match the price of the bird added just before it, being Chickadee.


  • Uniquely, Eurasian Jay doesn't seem to use Blue Jay as a base.


  • December 30th, 2022: Added Jay (Blue)
  • February 9th, 2024: Updated head and wings of Jay alongside adding Swallow
  • September 20th, 2024: Added Jay (Eurasian)
  • September 21st, 2024: Removed Eurasian realism preset for Blue Jay


Standard EggSparrowPigeonCardinalFinchRobinStarlingChickenDuckGooseQuailTurkeySwanPheasantPartridge
Unlockable ChickadeeJayGuineafowlSwallowParakeetRavenGullSandpiperHummingbirdPeafowlWoodpeckerMagpieCockatooMacawAukCuckooCraneHoopoePenguinLoonCormorantRheaKiwiHeronKingfisherPelicanToucanGannetFlamingoHornbillBird of ParadiseEmuNightjarOstrichShoebillHoatzinFalconSecretaryStorkSeriemaCassowaryOwlVultureOspreyHawkAlbatrossEaglePetrel'Ō'ōSapeornisGreat AukElephant BirdDodoConfuciusornisArchaeopteryxJeholornisMoaHesperornisGastornisKelenkenPelagornisHarpagornisArgentavisDromaeosaurSkeleton
Game Pass PhoenixCockatricePerytonGriffin