Feather Family Wiki
Feather Family Wiki
Not to be confused with the game's official group, The Feather Family.

"๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ Explore the world as one of many types of birds! Choose your species, customize yourself, hatch from an egg, grow up, build your own nest, and join flocks!"

Feather Family is an animal role-playing game on ROBLOX. Players select birds to play as and fully customize to create scenarios with other players. The game is available in several languages and on all forms of accessing ROBLOX.


Birds are the birds and bird-like animals playable in Feather Family. Birds can be customized in many different forms and renamed. There are currently three kinds of birds categorized by their obtainability.


For the category page, see Standard.

Standard birds are accessible to the player as soon as they join the game. These birds all work fairly typically aside from Egg which serves as its own kind of playable.

Bird Skin Flight Status Sexual Dimorphism
Egg - Flightless No
Sparrow - Flying No
Pigeon Rock Pigeon Flying No
Mourning Dove Flying No
Cardinal - Flying No
Finch Zebra (Estrilid) Flying No
Canary Flying No
Robin North American (Thrush) Flying No
European (Flycatcher) Flying No
Starling Common Flying No
Myna Flying No
Chicken Leghorn Limited Yes
Silkie Flightless Yes
Duck Mallard Flying No
Mandarin Flying Yes
Goose Canadian Flying No
Chinese Flying No
Quail Valley (New World) Limited Yes
King (Old World) Limited No
Turkey Wild Limited Yes
Ocellated Limited Yes
Swan - Flying No
Pheasant Ring Necked Limited Yes
Golden Limited Yes
Partridge Chukar (Rock) Limited No
Grey Limited No


For the category page, see Unlockable.

Unlockable birds are purchased with the game's main currency, Feathers, which are earned over time as you play. Most of the game's birds are unlockables. Unlockables range in price from 10 to 3,000 Feathers.

Every bird above 500 Feathers in price is an extinct bird and added in the various Summer of Fossils events. All except Dromaeosaur and Skeleton have brown names with bones on their menu icons. The two exceptions have yellow names and stars on their icons.

Bird Price Skin Flight Status Sexual Dimorphism
Chickadee 10 Feathers Black Capped Flying No
Tufted Titmouse Flying No
Swallow 10 Feathers - Flying No
Jay 10 Feathers Blue (New World) Flying No
Eurasian (Old World) Flying No
Guineafowl 10 Feathers Helmeted Limited Yes
Vulturine Limited No
Parakeet 25 Feathers Budgerigar Flying No
Ringneck Flying No
Raven 25 Feathers - Flying No
Gull 25 Feathers Herring Flying No
Little Flying No
Sandpiper 25 Feathers Western Flying No
Timberdoodle Flying No
Peafowl 50 Feathers Indian Limited Yes
Congo Limited Yes
Woodpecker 50 Feathers Pileated Flying No
Red Bellied Flying No
Hummingbird 50 Feathers Ruby Throated Hovering No
Racket Tailed Hovering Yes
Magpie 50 Feathers Eurasian Flying No
Australian (Butcherbird) Flying No
Cockatoo 100 Feathers Cockatoo Flying No
Cockatiel Flying No
Macaw 100 Feathers Scarlet Flying No
Spix's Flying No
Auk 100 Feathers Puffin Flying No
Dovekie Flying No
Cuckoo 100 Feathers Common Flying No
Roadrunner Flying No
Crane 150 Feathers Common Flying No
Crowned Flying No
Hoopoe 150 Feathers Eurasian Flying No
Wood Flying No
Penguin 150 Feathers Emperor Flightless No
Rockhopper Flightless No
Loon 150 Feathers - Flying No
Cormorant 200 Feathers Great Flying No
Shag Flying No
Rhea 200 Feathers - Flightless No
Kiwi 200 Feathers - Flightless No
Heron 200 Feathers Blue Flying No
Great Egret Flying No
Kingfisher 250 Feathers Common Flying No
Kookaburra Flying No
Pelican 250 Feathers - Flying No
Toucan 250 Feathers Toco Flying No
Toucanet Flying No
Gannet 250 Feathers - Flying No
Flamingo 300 Feathers - Flying No
Hornbill 300 Feathers Rhinoceros Flying No
Red Billed Flying No
Bird of Paradise 300 Feathers Greater Flying Yes
Superb Flying Yes
Emu 300 Feathers - Flightless No
Ostrich 350 Feathers - Flightless No
Nightjar 350 Feathers Standard Winged Flying Yes
Great Eared Flying No
Shoebill 350 Feathers - Flying No
Hoatzin 350 Feathers - Flying No
Falcon 400 Feathers Peregrine Flying No
Kestrel Flying No
Owl 400 Feathers Great Horned Flying No
Barn Flying No
Secretary 400 Feathers - Flying No
Stork 400 Feathers Marabou Flying No
White Flying No
Seriema 400 Feathers - Flying No
Cassowary 450 Feathers - Flightless No
Vulture 450 Feathers Griffon (Old World) Flying No
Condor (New World) Flying Yes
Osprey 450 Feathers - Flying No
Petrel 500 Feathers Giant Flying No
Cape Flying No
Hawk 500 Feathers Red Tailed (Buteo) Flying No
Sparrowhawk (Accipiter) Flying No
Albatross 500 Feathers - Flying No
Eagle 500 Feathers Bald Flying No
Harpy Flying No
'ลŒ'ล 600 Feathers - Flying Yes
Sapeornis 700 Feathers - Limited No
Great Auk 800 Feathers - Flightless No
Elephant Bird 900 Feathers - Flightless Yes
Dodo 1,000 Feathers - Flightless No
Confuciusornis 1,100 Feathers - Limited Yes
Archaeopteryx 1200 Feathers Updated Limited No
Classic Limited No
Jeholornis 1,300 Feathers - Limited No
Moa 1,400 Feathers - Flightless Yes
Hesperornis 1,500 Feathers - Flightless No
Gastornis 1,600 Feathers - Flightless No
Kelenken 1,700 Feathers - Flightless No
Pelagornis 1,800 Feathers - Flying No
Harpagornis 1,900 Feathers - Flying No
Argentavis 2,000 Feathers Updated Flying No
Classic Flying No
Dromaeosaur 3000 Feathers Deinonychus Flightless No
Microraptor Limited No
Skeleton 3000 Feathers Harpagornis Hovering No
Archaeopteryx Hovering No

Game Pass

Main article: Game Passes

Game Pass birds are purchased with ROBLOX's microtransaction currency, Robux. Game Pass birds currently make up the least of the bird roster but are still notable in the fact that each one is unique in some form from the standards and unlockables. All game pass birds can hover fly in some form, they all have a unique stage and all have a Magic action and coloring option. Griffin and Peryton in particular are very unique for their completely overhauled coloring.

Game Pass
Bird Price Skin Flight Status Special Features
Phoenix 400 Robux Updated Hovering Unique egg, magic action, hover flight, rebirth ability, unique flight particles, spawns in Volcano
Classic Flying
Cockatrice 500 Robux Updated Hovering Unique egg, aquatic, sexual dimorphism, magic action, flight trail, spawns in Fantasy Field
Classic Hovering Unique egg, aquatic, sexual dimorphism, magic action, flight trail, spawns in Fantasy Field
Peryton 600 Robux - Hovering Unique egg, sexual dimorphism, magic action, flight trail, spawns in Forest
Griffin 600 Robux Updated Hovering Fledgling stage, sexual dimorphism, lie and rest actions, magic action, flight trail, spawns in Skylands
Classic Flying Fledgling stage, lay and rest actions, magic action, flight trail, spawns in Skylands


The player is able to customize their selected bird in the Character Creator to adjust the bird's colors, texture, markings, particle effects and size. All but effects and size have an 'Advanced' option that offers more options for the mode of customization. Colors have a limited array of relatively desaturated colors but turns into a functionally infinite selection with the Advanced mode which allows use of HSV and RGB color codes plus sliders. Markings by default are applied to the entire body except the beak, eyes and legs but can be placed on individual parts (excluding eyes), resized and rotated in Advanced mode. Texture works very similarly in that it applies to the same parts by default but can be changed to select parts in Advanced, additionally allowing changing of the eyes albeit very limited changing. Effects simply emit from the body and can be recolored. Size simply changes the scale of the bird and the pitch of their call (larger birds have deeper calls and vice versa). Combinations can be saved in 12 different save slots which can be renamed to better identify them.

Once the player is finished customizing their character, they spawn in whatever biome has been assigned as the spawn. Below is a list of all the game's biomes.

For the category page, see Biomes.

Name Teleport Placement Spawn For
Village First None
Sanctuary Second None
Forest Third Peryton
Jungle Fourth None
Ice Mountain Fifth All standards and unlockables
Volcano Sixth Phoenix
Desert Seventh None
Beach Eighth None
Fantasy Field Ninth Cockatrice
Skylands Tenth Griffin

All of these can be teleported between at will but are also naturally connected. They each serve as different settings for role plays. Players can assign themselves a name and bio, pick up items (Egg and its variants cannot pick up items), interact with certain things, find NPCs and more. Each bird has a set of actions they can perform. With a few exceptions, the set of actions a bird can perform are very uniform. Below are the arrays of actions birds can have.

This list has copious amounts of information and is collapsible for reader convenience.

Regular Hatchlings

  • Run - Increases ground and water movement speed. Can either trigger a unique sprinting animation or simply speed up movement animations.
  • Call - Bird makes a noise accompanied by a brief animation.
  • Sit - Sits down in place. Any movement will cancel the sitting.
  • Eat - Performs an animation reminiscent of the bird eating something. When eating an item, this bird's Eat animation is used.
  • Hurt - Performs an animation making the bird appear injured or dead. Any movement will cancel the hurt pose.
  • Eyes - A toggle that keeps eyes closed or leaves them open with natural blinking.

Regular Adults

  • Run - Increases ground and water movement speed. Can either trigger a unique sprinting animation or simply speed up movement animations.
  • Call - Bird makes a noise accompanied by a brief animation.
  • Sit - Sits down in place. Any movement will cancel the sitting.
  • Eat - Performs an animation reminiscent of the bird eating something. When eating an item or building a nest, this bird's Eat animation is used.
  • Hurt - Performs an animation making the bird appear injured or dead. Any movement will cancel the hurt pose.
  • Display - Performs an animation where the bird does any form of unique animation. Less uniform than other actions in terms of animation and usually references a unique action the bird performs in real life.
  • Preen - Performs an animation where the bird cleans a part of itself using its beak, typically a wing.
  • Eyes - A toggle that keeps eyes closed or leaves them open with natural blinking.
  • Fly - Depends on how capable the bird is in flying; can either let the bird take flight for an unlimited amount of time, let them fly for a limited time before having them slowly descend or have a popup appear noting that the chosen bird cannot fly. Most flying birds automatically move where they are facing though Hummingbird, Skeleton and all Game Pass birds (except the classic skins of Phoenix and Griffin) can hover in midair and only move on command.


  • Shake - Shakes to the sides with a brief noise.
  • Crack - Toggles a cosmetic feature where the egg has a crack on its shell accompanied by a brief animation on toggle.

Below are sets that reuse standard sets. Actions included in standard sets for their stages will not be included.


In addition to the respective actions for the hatchling and adult, Phoenix has a unique action added for both stages and another unique action for its adult form.

  • Magic - Spews a stream of fire particles with an animation and noise. Can ignite items.
  • Rebirth - Exclusive to adult Phoenix. Activates its Display animation with fire surrounding its body before morphing back into its egg form.


The hatchling and adult forms of Cockatrice also have normal action sets with Magic added on.

  • Magic - Toggles a mode where the Cockatrice's eyes glow, emitting square shaped particles and a stream of light in its line of sight.

Peryton and Griffin

These two have the most extensive sets of actions and have the same action lineups. They use the same lineups in their adult forms and share lineups between the Peryton hatchling, Griffin hatchling and Griffin fledgling.

Peryton Hatchling, Griffin Hatchling and Griffin Fledgling

  • Lie - Functionally identical to Sit except performs a different animation where the bird is closer to the ground.
  • Rest - Functionally identical to Sit except performs a different animation where the bird is curled up.
  • Fly
    • Griffin Hatchling - Displays flightless message.
    • Peryton Hatchling and Griffin Fledgling - Takes flight for a period of time before slowly flying down.
  • Magic
    • Peryton - Turns semitransparent and single colored with glowing eyes. Footstep and flight sounds are muted while the toggle is on.
    • Griffin - Mounts on a cloud where it flies the same way a hover flight bird would, though at a slower pace and without the downwards speed bonus. Uses the Sit animation.


  • Lie - Functionally identical to Sit except performs a different animation where the bird is closer to the ground.
  • Rest - Functionally identical to Sit except performs a different animation where the bird is curled up.
  • Magic
    • Peryton - Turns semitransparent and single colored with glowing eyes. Footstep and flight sounds are muted while the toggle is on.
    • Griffin - Mounts on a cloud where it flies the same way a hover flight bird would, though at a slower pace and without the downwards speed bonus. Uses the Sit animation.

Feather Family, being a roleplaying game, relies on other players for optimal gameplay. Many features are in place for players to interact with each other. The most direct kind of cross-player interaction is carrying, activated by clicking on another player's bird. Doing this will prompt three options: pick up on back (bird must be smaller, you must be an adult), pick up in beak (bird must be smaller) or pick up in foot (bird must be much smaller). Egg cannot carry other birds. Players can create and join Flocks, groups hosted by one player for organized roleplay. Members of a flock have a label above their head with their flock and flock rank, can teleport to each other and the flock base, and can receive flock announcements from the owner of the flock. Flocks can be locked to prevent players from joining and have joining restricted to certain birds. Roleplay Servers are the largest scale of cross-player interaction. Only able to be hosted by players with the Very Important Bird game pass, roleplay servers are hosted by owning a private server. The host is able to assign a name and description to the server, manage which birds are allowed and have a wide arrange of commands. Up to 75 servers can be hosted world-wide at once.

Console players cannot see names and descriptions, make their own, name/see names of customization saves, see flock names and see roleplay servers due to ROBLOX's terms on user-written content on console. They also have the inherent property of console users of not being able to use ROBLOX's built-in chat feature.



  • Run - Run button
  • Fly - Fly button
  • Actions - Actions button (all actions there done by pressing)
  • Interact - Press/hold screen


  • Run - Shift
  • Fly - Q
  • 1-9, 0 - Actions (varies between birds; typically 1-7)
  • Interact - E or click/hold click


Formatted in Xbox button/PlayStation button.

  • Run - X/Square
  • Fly - Y/Triangle
  • Actions - Actions button (all actions there done by pressing)
  • Interact - B/Circle


Feather Family's lore is intentionally limited as to leave the game's world to player interpretation. This covers the few bits of confirmed lore.

Summer of Fossils Lore

A gray scientist penguin named Dr. Penguin can be seen in Ice Mountain's tunnels observing the preserved skeleton of what seems to be a large theropod dinosaur. He explains that this creature is an ancient ancestor of birds and expresses his interest in seeing extinct birds. When Summer of Fossils starts with the addition of Dodo, a lab is added to this area where Dr. Penguin resides and has test tubes with the skull of each bird he brings back. He is responsible for the resurrection of all birds added in this first wave, those being Dodo, Archaeopteryx, Moa, Kelenken, Pelagornis and Argentavis. After Argentavis, he expresses his pleasure with all the birds he's brought back from extinction and encourages the player to explore the lab.

Some time after this initial wave of birds, a new bird is added to this roster. Dr. Penguin is gone in this update and the bird's skull isn't present in the lab. This new bird is Skeleton, a monstrous failed attempt at bringing back the Harpagornis. Though Dr. Penguin is not present, a book written by him is left in his place that explains how he created Skeleton by accident and that he regrets his actions. He says the Skeleton ran loose and he'll quit his fossil studies out of guilt.

Much later, a new character is added to the lab, a younger medium blue penguin with a straw hat named Penguin Jr.. He is the son of Dr. Penguin who has come to use the lab for himself to bring back more birds in his father's legacy. He expands the lab, including adding an entry code to the door, and brings back five new birds: Confuciusornis, Jeholornis, Hesperornis, Gastornis and most notably, Harpagornis, the bird his father failed to bring back. He keeps fossils of the new birds in test tubes, with Harpagornis having a skull in its tube as an homage to the first wave of birds. After Harpagornis' addition, Dr. Penguin returns on the surface around the lab, expressing his pride in Penguin Jr and how he deeply regrets what he's done. Talking to him as Skeleton yields special dialogue where he apologizes for forcing its faulty existence.

A final batch of birds is created when Dr. Penguin finally reunites with Penguin Jr., who together team up to create even more birds. They add another row of test tubes and advance some of the lab's equipment, including redoing the lab door code to be randomized. They bring back the 'ลŒ'ล, Sapeornis, Great Auk, Elephant Bird, Microraptor and Deinonychus. The skeleton outside the lab that was once a large theropod was changed to a dromaeosaur skeleton around the start of the event, hinting at Deinonychus' inclusion as the final creature. Dr. Penguin and Penguin Jr. are satisfied with their work, with Dr. Penguin even coming to terms with bringing Skeleton into being.

Peryton/Rita Lore

A ghost appears in the Forest graveyard at midnight around October accompanied by a light blue female penguin named Rita. Rita sits in watch of the ghost, explaining her sightings of it and that she wants to come closer to it. The ghost can be interacted with which brings up distorted dialogue where it asks the player if they can see it. Ghost is temporarily removed and Rita is relocated to an icy spot in Forest near Beach where she talks about mythical creatures, the ghost and her husband who doesnโ€™t believe in mythical beings and is a โ€˜stern man of scienceโ€™. Ghost comes back with a slight coloring change and new dialogue where it claims it wants to be seen. It also lets out high pitched howls during the night. Shortly after this return, ghost changes into Peryton, using the same model as the playable version added in that same update. He does this when finally revealing herself to Rita who comforts him. The peryton expresses its gratitude to not be feared when talked to.

Rita is implied to be the wife of Dr. Penguin and mother of Penguin Jr., which eventually leads to the two lore branches connecting. After the Peryton is removed, Rita is also removed. Dr. Penguin is seen at the graveyard explaining that Rita died years ago, implying Rita herself was a ghost. He explains that she was the mother of his son who died when their child was young. He says his latest memory with her is arguing over the existence of mythical creatures and he wishes they couldโ€™ve had fonder memories. The icy spot where Rita was between Ghostโ€™s removal and re-addition has dialogue in the spot where she once stood with no speaker, saying that a cool breeze passes through.

Game Passes

Main Article: Game Passes

Game passes are extensions of Feather Family that can be unlocked with ROBLOX's main currency, Robux (R$), which is primarily gained by purchases with real-world money. Very Important Bird offers many expansions to customization and roleplay, while the other four game passes are unique birds.

Very Important Bird - 300 R$

"Very Important Bird Status"

โ˜… Premium textures and aura effects

โ˜… Play music with custom Audio IDs

โ˜… Color and Texture nests and flock bases

โ˜… Host Roleplay Servers

Phoenix - 400 R$

Morph into the legendary bird, the fire-breathing Phoenix.

โ˜… Phoenix Egg

โ˜… Phoenix Chick

โ˜… Adult Phoenix

โ˜… Modern + Classic Skins

Griffin - 600 R$

Morph into the legendary creature, the lion-eagle hybrid.

โ˜… Griffin Hatchling

โ˜… Griffin Youngling

โ˜… Adult Griffin and Griffiness

โ˜… Classic+Modern Griffin Skins

Basilisk - 500 R$

Morph into the legendary monster, the chicken-serpent hybrid.

โ˜… Cockatrice Egg

โ˜… Cockatrice Chick

โ˜… Adult Cockatrice

Peryton - 600 R$

Morph into the legendary bird, the deer-owl hybrid

โ˜… Peryton Egg

โ˜… Peryton Fawn

โ˜… Adult Peryton Buck and Doe


  • The game's original name was "Chicken's Life", as it started with a step-on chicken morph. This technically means that Chicken was the first bird ever added to the game.
  • The game's description has a link to a DevForum post by ShinyGriffin which serves as credits.
  • For a short period of time, the game could hold 20 extra players, likely for testing. This has been changed back, probably because the servers didn't perform well.
  • Before Moa was added, the game used the default ROBLOX leaderboard, which caused problems fitting species names like Archaeopteryx and Bird of Paradise as well as longer roleplay names or usernames.
  • The first alternate language the game was translated to was Spanish.
  • The game used to turn you into a faceless R15 character with the 1.0 body and gray skin which was visible for only around a second, though the Quality of Life update removed this.
  • During a reintroduction of scam bots, which would post links to websites that try to steal your account, ShinyGriffin added an additional line to the game's description: โš ๏ธUrgent message from ShinyGriffin: Please do not follow links to websites claiming to give you Robux. They are dangerous because they are FAKE, and they will steal your information!
  • Because ShinyGriffin does not own gaming consoles, Feather Family's console compatability was tested on an emulator. Console controls originally had a design flaw where the interact button was X/Square (Xbox/PlayStation), the same as the sprint button. This was briefly changed to A/Cross, but this is the jump button so it ended up being put on B/Circle.
  • Feather Family reached 1 billion visits of December 15th, 2024, or the 14th in some timezones.


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